What do we need to know about asking questions to be an effective teacher?
Questions play a huge role in learning. The way I learned in most of my classes went like this: the teacher read the lesson or we read to ourselves, we had some problems put on the board, then we were assigned more problems to do on our own. We weren't very involved with what we were learning, just hearing whatever the teacher said. Teachers should be making the students inquire about what they are learning. Here are some ways to help increase student involvement in the classroom.
Make sure you will involve questions in your lesson. To ensure that questions are asked, write out in a lesson plan where you will ask what questions to keep students' brains going and to make sure they are paying attention.
Make sure the students know what you are asking. Sometimes teachers ask several questions at once. Sometimes they very complicated questions that are hard to really wrap your brain around. Sometimes they do both at the same time. Either way this is a very easy way to have students quickly shut down and not want to answer questions. Be sure questions are clear and if it has several parts, break it into several different questions. Give the students time to answer one question before throwing another at them.
Have students explain their answers. So many questions can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". Make sure the student actually understands the question they are answering by following up the simple question with a "why?" or "explain your answer". This helps the student evaluate their answer.
Use different types of questions. Closed questions have a few specific answers that help students retain knowledge on the subject. Managerial questions make sure the students have proper materials and understand the lesson they are assigned. Open questions don't have a specifically correct answer. These questions allow for discussion, hopefully among the students, not just between one student and the teacher.
By using these tools, teachers can use questions to further students learning and hopefully increase their interest in the topic as well.
Source: http://teachingcenter.wustl.edu/strategies/Pages/asking-questions.aspx
Source: Photo: http://jaktelenowela.blog.pl/files/2014/02/question-mark.png
I also think teachers tend to ask to many questions at once and confuse the students. Closed questions in my opinion should be used during review on a lesson. Make sure your ALT and Title tags are working properly.
Where are your links to the materials you read? Where are the alt and title modifiers on your picture? If you don't know how to insert links or add alt/title modifiers to your picture, please come into the lab so we can help you. Or you can re-read the instructions on how to do these things in the Instruction Manual.