Tuesday, October 7, 2014

C4TSummary #2

C4T Post #1
My first post was on 21apples, which is run by Avrind Grover. He posted a video of a woman named Jamila Lyiscott talking about three ways to speak English. Basically her video is stating that there is not a certain way to speak English and people shouldn't be judged by how they speak alone. I wrote that I could listen to her all day, as she did her speech in a sort of rap/poem form and it was awesome. I really liked the point she was getting at and I just loved the video.
3 Ways to Speak English

C4T Post #2
I commented on another one of Avrind Grover's posts. This one was a video about technology basically controlling our lives. The video follows a young adult woman, trying to enjoy her life, only to be stopped by everyone in her life staring at their phones. She can't be with her boyfriend, out with friends, even at a birthday party without everyone staring at their screens. My response to this was feeling guilty of some of it, but I like to pride myself in that I try not to be on my phone constantly. I wrote that I did not want to see a world where everyone was more focused on their phones than on their lives and loved ones.

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